Rich & Michelle Kadrlik

Greg & Carla,
Thank you for forwarding us the information on the Youth event from the St. Croix Valley Brittany club yesterday in Milaca, MN. My son Reed took Mikko up there and put on a show.
They ran 2 dogs at a time and quail were replaced as they were flushed. Mikko and I waited as Reed followed the first
pair of dogs to see how it went. There were 2 quail pointed, one by each dog. Reed was impressed and was anxious for his turn. Mikko was next released with a “field trial-seasoned” Brittany-because she was an expert and Mikko was so young! Ha, Mikko pointed 4 quail and held tight on them until Reedo flushed them up. The more seasoned “expert” brit pointed one quail and was absent for 5 minutes and took off for another 10 minutes while Mikko was holding a bird. The trainer there kept telling Reed how impressed he was with his dog and was asking me if I was going to field-trial her, because she is so fast-Greg’s “pocket rocket”
Reedo then took scores from each of the other handlers and their parents and found that Mikko had 4 quail and of the other 5 dogs, 2 quail was the top pointed. He was so excited and made 4 phone calls on the way home to tell relatives and hunting partners how Mikko had done. We are so happy with her and how easy she is to handle out in the field. Michelle and I are so happy with her, and are looking forward to this season. I am not sure if we are going to field trial her, but if you or Greg could let us know what that
would take, I would appreciate it.
Thank Suzy for our wonderful dog, we are very happy!
Rich and Michelle Kadrlik
Farmington, MN