Winter Camp
Limited Space – sign up now
June 3rd, 4th and 5th 2022 at High Fly’n Kennels
Hey Greg,
Thought I would finally get an update out to you guys after seeing your Facebook post. Cal is doing really good. I have been out quite a bit with her but the last two weeks have been consumed with deer season and she is getting the bird itch. Commands are going good and she is really learning every time we go out how I want things don. I don’t really need any correction for distance and she cuts the field up pretty good when out with a couple people. The only annoyance I am having is she finds more field mice than a cat would and she likes to dig but it’s not that bad. It’s pretty easy to break her with a hey or a buzz on the collar but do you suggest anything to really get her off the mice fetish? She knows when we are going hunting when the guns come out and is pretty birdy which is surprising on how fast things clicked for her. However, I still can’t get her into the water, will have to wait till the summer. I am very impressed with the dog she has become, I will be back next summer and hopefully make it to some seminars.
Thanks again! Jacob Gatz
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